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Are You Pouring From a Tilted Vessel? || Matthew 11:28

Equip Services

A Guest Minister blog from Minister Carolyn Brown

I was asked one day, “How’s it going?”. My response was that all was well while still in my transition from one state to another. I’ve come to realize that in this entire year, I am in a place of “Rest”. I was very involved in ministry in my former house of worship. Since being here I haven’t been driven to really participate in any of the ministries that are presently happening in my present house of worship. I’ve enjoyed just “sitting” and feasting on God’s Word, careful not to be gluttonous. Being able to just be ministered to is priceless, especially for those who are continuously involved in ministry. Coming here, I inquired of the Lord and still awaiting to hear my next set of instructions. I am listening intently so as not to miss my next set of instructions. So, I continue to W.A.I.T. (The Lord blessed me to preach this word, with the acronym “Watch As I Takeover”) I started to get a little impatient because I knew He sent me here for a reason. I finally realized; God was requiring me to REST. Thinking about it, I realized, that I didn’t feel guilty about not operating and functioning in ministry. We often don’t understand that God requires us to REST. Understand, I am still “On the Wall” building and ready for battle and only moving when instructed. It’s just not at the pace and amount that I once moved. Because we are obedient to The Call, at times, we need to be reminded that we are also called to have balance. Because we are obedient to His Voice and see the needs of His people, we feel obligated to serve continually forgetting that it is God who supplies EVERY need according to His riches in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:19). However, the people need prayer, they need agreement, they need gap dwellers, those of us who are the Ecclesia are the passionate, compassionate ones who feel like we must pour all the time. However, God says come to me ALL who are heavy laden, and I will give you…REST (Matt 11:28). Instead of taking the moment to REST, we begin to pour until empty, an insufficient place, a barren place (where burn out happens). We call it compromise because yes, in this earthen vessel is treasure, however, this is time is when we are pouring from a tilted vessel. For as much is being poured into us, it’s being poured right back out. When we are upright, we can be filled to the overflowing when we REST on our foundation (The Rock). We are to operate from a place of overflow, however, if we are not RESTING on and in the foundation of God and His Word, how can we receive to be at the point of overflow? Throughout scripture, one way or another, we are admonished, commanded even, to REST. The most important verse in the Bible that speaks about REST is Genesis 2:2 where even God RESTED after the completion of His Creation. Servant Leaders must remember as we serve, we are also obligated to follow the command and Rest. Ask God to help us Remember to Release all our cares unto Him. Remember we need a Refreshing, Renewal, Revival, Replenishing, Revitalization and Restoration, all that we may be able to complete the work that God has predestined for us to do while here in the earth realm. Take the time for self-care. It’s important not just for the work that is required of you but more importantly for self. It is not selfish but self-less to take care of ourselves that we will be able to take care of others.

Equip thanks guest Minister Carolyn Brown for her inspiration, encouragement, and blessing to the Body of Christ near and far as she loves and leads in Him.

Let us pray…

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