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The Travel Log | Innocence of Children | Joel 2:25-26

Equip Services

My name is Ruth Strait, and I am a faithful servant to our Lord Jesus Christ. I take every opportunity I can to tell the Gospel and of God’s goodness and faithfulness. I enjoy writing about my encounters while talking with folks and appreciating the seemingly little things that make the biggest difference in someone’s life.

It was a typical sunny afternoon here in Florida, I decided to go out and while out and about, I came across my friend, Jennifer, in the same place. We got to talking and the subject of grandkids came up. We shared pictures like any proud grandmother would do. Jennifer started to tell me a little bit about her granddaughter, Pamela. I felt moved to offer some toys I had to Jennifer to give to Pamela. She said she would come by that evening to look at what I had. We went our separate ways to finish our errands.

Later that evening Jennifer did come by and that's when she finished telling me the story of her granddaughter. This opened the door for me to share the Gospel and express how good our God is! She was most receiving of what I had to say! She continued on from earlier, telling me how Pamela had had a rough start in life and was waiting for adoption. Jennifer's daughter, Mary, was fostering her with hopes of adopting her. Mary and Jennifer wanted this beautiful child to be a part of their family. Jennifer told me that after several months of dealing with judicial and other issues, Pamela was officially adopted!! It was very evident that the emotions were high while Jennifer was telling me all this. We both had tears of joy that were pouring out. A quick video chat was made so Pamela could pick out the items she wanted. Let me tell you that this child had a smile a mile wide the entire time! After hanging up with her granddaughter, Jennifer picked out a few other items that were to be grandma’s surprise. It was an evening that I won’t forget any time soon, bonding and strengthening a friendship with a grateful grandmother and making a new friend with a very happy 6-year-old.

After they left, I reflected on what had just happened. Why was this such a big deal to me? They were toys I had collected over the last several years, nothing fancy, just whimsical things sitting on a shelf. I felt as if God was saying to me that I was helping give joy and hope to a young girl that was saved out of a bad situation, that the innocence of this child was something beautiful. The smiles and laughter, the look of amazement on her face, that some stranger would have her pick out toys that she wouldn't be able to get otherwise. Simple items that a child her age that brought pure joy!

It made me reflect on what I can remember of my childhood. There was much trauma and much of my memory of days gone by in my youth just isn’t there. What I can recall are bits and pieces of life on a rural farm, a few happy times and trauma that took place. Having someone to be a protector, to keep me out of harm’s way, wasn’t something I had. That evening with my friend also caused me to reflect on my later years, on God’s goodness and faithfulness and how I have new life in Jesus Christ. Recalled to mind as well was how my later years were restored just as God had promised.

Joel 2:25-26 "So I

will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the crawling locust, the consuming locust, and the chewing locust, My great army which I sent among you. You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, who has dealt wondrously with you; and My people shall never be put to shame." God has well more restored me, healed me, (with much more healing that is happening as I write this) and it has been very, very good. Difficult, yes, healing is never easy. It is painful, but so worth it.

I am beyond thankful and grateful for all God has done and is continuing to do in my daily walk with Him. And yes, it can be the seemingly little things in life that can be the biggest, such as giving toys away! The joy in my heart when God opened the door, provided an opportunity to tell of Jesus and help give joy to someone, a young child, a newfound friend, in need of hope and a smile. That is why I do what I do, going out and telling the Gospel to all who will listen, anywhere and everywhere God leads me to, even when He uses something as simple as giving toys to someone else.


Let us Pray . . .

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