Equip has a mandate of excellence for the commitment & care of others.
We redefine Spiritual Care in the church, college, community and, most importantly, through caring.
"It is rare that one finds a vision and passion so out-of-the-box to the way society and culture expect ministry to be. Equip’s leaders have tenacity to care that meet many at their point of need."
-Major Kathi Longcoy, Salvation Army, Stratford Connecticut
A Distinct Next Generation Identity
Equip Services Inc. hosts the embodied ministries of Equip Church, Equip Academy Bible Institute and Equip Care Ministries. We realize that our strength and excellence lies not only in the Biblical truths we stand by, but most importantly through the actions of our initiatives. Equip was founded to walk with and alongside those facing need, and to empower others to do the same. We believe that there is value, purpose, potential, and dignity in compassionately loving, serving, and caring for the needs of others. Our vision challenges the status quo with out-of-the-box and creative collaborations toward transformational life change holistically in Spirit | soul | body. Since founding, Equip has offered unique and creative religious programs that empower those we lead and serve. While today, many are realizing that the old ways of doing things may be gone, Equip has held a long-standing vision and seasoned experience for a next generation ministerial programs and services.
Since founding, Equip has fostered a legacy vision across five areas of impact which include
Organizational Leadership | Spiritual Care | Education | Community Care | and Crisis Interventions
Our programs engage, shape, and form a culture of practical care to the point of need.

Bringing Transformational Care
Equip Services Inc. holds a vision that is more than a big idea! We promote a lifestyle of worship through Spiritual Care (showing God's love), Significance (Discovering Purpose), and Belonging (a Compassion for all). Equip teaches, trains, supervises, proclaims, ordains, and empowers as we navigate the journey of life together. Our services host an unshakable commitment to providing life-giving, innovative, and strategic programs. We engage relationally with relevant, timely, and sustainable solutions that build vitality over time. We are called to serve people of all ages, cultures, and persuasions as we engage locally, regionally and nationally as an empowered U.S. Missions organization. While our mission is simple - to care - our goal is to meet the basic need of others through love, hope, and wellbeing which are the staples of everyday life.
Community Crisis Interventions & Peer Support
Our first responders’ self-care by team is very important to providing crisis intervention. Equip’s Chaplain had an uncanny ability to sense exactly what was needed, when it was needed. Whether an individual experiencing a crisis of faith or one simply needing a ministry of presence, their Chaplain was well suited for every task.
Fire Lieutenant Charles Popp, Boston Fire | Metro Fire CISM Peer Support Team Coordinator
Community Services in the Clinical Healthcare Setting
For more than two years, I searched for a volunteer – anyone who could relationally journey with a resident in end-of-life stages. His favorite past time – cribbage. An Equip companion was made readily available to journey with him in lovingkindness through his end of life experience.
Gina Zecco, Director of Social Work, The Coleman House Northborough Massachusetts
Preaching, Teaching & Training via Conferences & Seminars
The Equip Team is passionate across their areas of expertise and brought advanced-level conference training that enriched and motivated my leadership teams. Their trained educators and support teams are readily available to enhance and empower. I highly recommend this vision, mission, and their commitment to the training of others who serve those in need at the local church level..
Gerry Fernandez, Lead Pastor & Conference Coordinator, Onset Massachusetts
Leadership Development via Equip Academy-The Chesapeake Bible Institute of Boston
I received my degree with Chesapeake Bible College & Seminary, studying with Dr. Iannicelli at Equip Academy’s Bible institute. I just wanted to thank Equip and CBCS with sincerity and great appreciation. Proverbs 16:9 says that a man’s heart plans his way but the Lord directs his steps. I see CBCS & Dr. Loretta as pedals on a bicycle, giving feet like mine clear placement so those steps are much easier to navigate.
Joseph O'Neill, Pastor & Church Planter
Familial Support via Equip Church Worship Services
Equip is a blessing to me! I want to encourage all who have put their hands to the plow with equipping because it's been a blessing in my life. My cousin had never really been to church and I saw her serving in the house, fellowshipping in the presence of the Lord with song and teaching. I also have been encouraged and prayed for from everyone on the Church-part of Equip. You are doing the work and God is using you. God sees your faithfulness. Just keep sitting in Him.
Gavin Alves, Worship Media & Arts Director

Engage in Empowering Leadership Conferences
"Emotional Intelligence and Self-Care for Leaders"
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence introduces how teams and leaders can have the capacity to greatly impact one’s progress for ongoing growth and development. Areas of impact include self-awareness, empathy, motivation, self-regulation, and social skills. This sesson will empower one with the ability to understand, recognize, and identify emotions in self and others that can increase awareness toward positive behaviors and outcomes across many areas of our relationships.
Self-Care for Leaders
There is an obligation amidst today's culture and turbulent times to have the ability to take care of oneself to ensure one's ability to care for others. Learn how leaders can effectively impact change despite trends which otherwise might hinder progress. Objectives covered include how leaders can lay aside every weight that hinders; Engage in self-assessments for risk to burnout; Identify Symptoms of Compassion Fatigue; Practice ways to implement awareness & prevention.