Saturdays 249 Wood St Hopkinton MA
"Dinner Church" & Worship
3rd Sat Monthly 5-7pm
Sundays 285 Lake Street Waltham MA Worship & Communion
10-11am Weekly
Study the Bible Online!
Equip Academy CBI-Boston Institute
1st Day of every Month 12-1pm
Power Prayer Meeting EST
Wednesdays 7-8pm
Weekly Bible Study
Thursdays Weekly 1pm
Corporate Prayer Meeting
Thursdays Weekly 9am - 4pm
Office Hours & Pastoral Care Visitation
Further info & notifications
are posted regularly via LINK to FB page
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We Welcome seeing YOU!
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Are you Rapture Ready?
Revelation Series "The Eternities"
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Visitation by Appointment
Pastoral Care & Mentored Ministry
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Women's Ministry in Collaboration!
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Check out our Ministries!
LINK here to learn more about EQUIP.
A Distinct Identity for loving God and loving our Neighors
Equip Services Inc. holds the vision for a non-denominational Christian church plant since founding. We believe that the Word of God can bring transformational change to life and circumstance. We invite you to worship with us and participate in our diverse ministries. We realize that our strength lies not only in the words we stand by, but most importantly through the actions of our initiatives. Back in 2016, we founded upon the realization that every person everywhere can have a vibrant relationship with God and can serve in an area of influence known specific to them. Here, we strive to live out our worship of God by engaging our sphere of influence to impact our lives, home, work, church, community, city, and world for the better!
Advancing the Cause for Christ
Equip Church is a ministry of Equip Services Inc founded in 2016. It is the vision of our leaders to promote a lifestyle of worship and care which makes a difference. With that, our leaders set forth the strategic goal for empowering compassion and care to the point of need as we promote the Gospel message of Jesus Christ.
At each worship opportunity, we gather in various forms of worship of God and explore our growth and development through His Word. At the core of all of our ministries can be found the DNA for our compassionate love of both God and neighbor. Creatively, we offer unique ways to engage in fun activities that care for and inspire one another - believers and non-believers alike. It is our hope that you can discover many exciting opportunities at Equip Church. Come as you are, expect a warm embrace, and know all are welcomed.
Equip Church believes that God’s love can permeate all areas of life via the truth of His word through the restoring power of Jesus Christ. We are a family of believers equipped by the Holy Spirit to live life to full potential. We welcome all to join with us to explore Equip Church as we navigate our journeys in God together.
Ephesians 4:11-12 & Psalm 116:12
Equip Church, Academy & Care Ministries embrace a desire to see transformational change as we go deeper with God, self, and others. Our commitment to our vision for "equipping the saints of God for empowering service" remains steadfast. Ask about our Equip Ordination, Leadership & Mentorship programs as we strive to be an ever present help in advancing the cause for Christ.
"Emotional Intelligence and The State of the Church"
Join us in Empowering Church Leadership
Emotional Intelligence introduces how pastors and leaders can have the capacity to greatly impact one’s progress for ongoing growth and development. As believers, God desires for us to continually be growing and advancing into Christ-likeness, a foundational goal for Christ-centered servant leaders. One’s ability to understand, recognize, and identify emotions in self and other will increase awareness toward positive behaviors and outcomes in our relationships.
The State of the Church informs today's leading congregations on how pastors and leaders can effectively impact change despite trends which otherwise might hinder church progress. Objectives covered include how leaders can lay aside every weight that hinders; Self-Assess Risk of Burnout through a Life Stress Inventory Test; Know Symptoms of Compassion Fatigue; Empower in Practice the Spiritual Disciplines that Implement Awareness & Prevention.
Self-Care for Turbulent Times Free Covid-19 Offering
Signup for the Chesapeake Bible College & Seminary TYC-112
free 3-credit course offering. FREE || Self Care College Course
An Empowering and Noble Calling
Pastor Dr. Loretta Iannicelli is a humble servant of God who is dedicated and serves tirelessly by exhibiting high degree of professionalism and keeping Godly morals and principles. I have worked with Dr.
Loretta Iannicelli as a Pastor who has been instrumental in lifting the call of God in my ministry. She has empowered many people including Pastors who are upcoming. May the Almighty God bless you as
you move on with this noble calling.
Bishop Martin Muchena, Gaithersburg, Maryland USA
A Refreshing Kingdom-Building Approach
Equip’s professional approach to Kingdom-Building is refreshing, appreciated, and inspirational! Their work in helping extend our reach for Christ is extremely beneficial, right on-point, and very deeply valued by us. We are so honored That Equip Church has chosen to co-labor with us.
We look forward to our ongoing collaborative efforts!
Dr. Kerry L. Fink, Chief Operating Officer, American Evangelistic Assn, Melbourne, Florida USA
A Transformational Life Experience
Pastor Loretta has served as my personal Pastor and mentor for many years as I explored my life goals and direction. Together, we shared in vibrant Spiritual formation which has been invaluable to me personally.
I continue to dream big as I pursue my lifelong goals through the lens of Christ my Lord and Savior.
Katie H. Massachusetts USA