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Advent Week 4 || A Child is Born || Isaiah 9:6


Isaiah 9:6—A Child is Born

Fourth Week of Advent


Heavenly Father, we are joyful today in Your presence. Today we celebrate You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. For You have sent Your Son as Messiah, Your Anointed One is given. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of all. He is given to judge all, and the government of His creation rests upon Him.

Wonderful Counselor, we praise this Holy Name. You reveal Yourself in these Holy Names and we see the wonderful deeds You perform. We adore You, our Lord and Savior. You are our High Priest and Intercessor before the Father. You are the Lamb of God who saves us. You are the Word become flesh, our Teacher and Shepherd and through You we may obtain eternal life.

Mighty God, our Sovereign King all honor and glory are Yours. Your power and might is our confidence as we depend upon Your divine providential care. By You all things are possible. In reverence we approach You with humility and in prayer, and in praise. We pray for wisdom and understanding as we strive to follow the Word you give.

Everlasting Father, we praise Our Lord, Jesus Christ, You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are the Beginning and the End. All things are created by you, and we are Yours. We strive to follow the example You have given by Your life. Our faith is in You, Jesus, that we may receive Your saving grace and live eternally with You in Heaven.

Prince of Peace, the victory is Yours. We give thanks for the love You bear us. You have defeated sin and death. You have restored our righteousness before the Father that we may have eternal life. No matter what we endure, in the end all things will be made to the good for all those who love and follow You. We stand on the eternal promises You give.

We pray for Your peace and comfort which surpasses all understanding. You have come for our salvation.

“For there is born to you today in the City of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11 We Pray in the Beloved Name of Jesus Christ, Amen

. . . Let us pray

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A very special thanks to Rev. Marie Parma for her authorship of these devotional materials on behalf of Equip Church.

We are happy to provide permission to copy and distribute for ongoing reflection and teaching as needed.

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