Mark 16:15 "And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation."
My name is Ruth Strait, and I am a faithful servant to our Lord Jesus Christ. It is my goal that when I go out to speak the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who will listen, as I pause to converse and pray with and for others, no matter where I am. In doing so, I can connect others to the Gospel of Jesus Christ in various ways. Here, I go into the marketplace, utilize the computer or other means of electronic engagement through social media online resources, and I also welcome those especially relational, in-person connections.
Each day, after my morning time with our Heavenly Father, I put my fingers to the keyboard as I ask God, “What do You want me to write today? How do You want me to pray for people? How can you guide me to make a difference in someone’s life.” Sometimes, when I am writing, questions pop up like: “Who will take the time to read what is written and shared? Will they like it, will they ignore it? What if they argue against what is written, or will they receive it? Is what I am doing to actually make a difference to those who read what I write?” Yet, despite so many questions which could allow for disengagement, I choose to write what I feel God is leading me to focus upon via Scripture, a prayer, or an encouraging note or picture.
There are other times when the answers to the above questions come sooner rather than later, and every now and again, someone will send me a message letting me know that what I wrote really stuck with them as a word God used to meet them at their point of need. Here, when encouragement comes, I take their words to heart, and it inspires me to keep doing what I am doing. One recent friend wrote, “Aloha my sister in Christ. I truly appreciate your posting Scripture because it pops up for me when I need it most. I don’t know if any of your other friends and followers get this message asking IF I want to see more or less of your kind of posting. I always press “show more.” While I may not always know what the impact my writing ministry has on others while I evangelize on social media, I will keep doing as God leads as it is for His glory, to expand His Kingdom. Unfortunately, Satan and his minions will always try to discourage or shut down God’s words, but it is messages like this, notes of encouragement that inspire me to keep writing, to keep doing what I feel God is telling me to do, that bless me near or far.
You too can make a difference in someone's life in various and unexpected ways. Together, we may not always see or know the end results but let us keep going! We can keep proclaiming His Word, keep pressing on… and we can make all the difference! Big or small, it’s all for His glory and for His Kingdom!
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Let us Pray . . .
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